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Hm.m.m.L0FF  th\ 8-stdole2.tlbWWW*6<+%'t1h/$\4X&+--6D2 |33! /d+0*h5P+3h6X)*10`,|0)T"(&5*+p2-3.P.%|6T-X65|'@'-1).<-()6P/,-024L15$x%,4d2(WorkspaceTypeEnumWWW8DVCursorDriverEnuml<8__DriverPromptEnum 8kSetOptionEnumWWW48ParameterDirectionEnumWW8UpdateTypeEnumWW8cRecordStatusEnum` 8fCommitTransOptionsEnumWW 8_DAOSuppHelp( 8LanguageConstantsWWW 8_CollectionW 8QQ_DynaCollectionWT 8!_DAO 8`_DBEngineWWW 8QDBEngine 8lPrivDBEngine 8ResetWWW^plWW xSystemDB k5CreateWorkspaceW,XUseTypeW OpenConnectionWWl pppconnWW  nDefaultTypeW x! SetOptionWWW , -NumberWW hGSourceWW  DescriptionW HelpFile \ /OHelpContextWH zItem OpperrWWW P _30_UserName P _30_Password @~IsolateODBCTransHppdbsWWW! ppusrsWW6ppgrpsWW $CloseWWW ! CreateUserWW<PIDW uppusrWWW ! RCreateGroupW"pZppgrpWWWpTimeout &DefaultCursorDriverW pCursorTypeW XfhEnv"!phEnvWWW Type ptypeWWW"{DppcnsWWWt DateCreatedWpvartX vLastUpdatedWtSourceTableNameWt  EUpdatableWWW ^pbWWt"W]ValidationTextWWtd%ValidationRuleWWt8 {RecordCountWOppfldsWWhFxppidxsWWtH |OpenRecordsetWWWlpprstWWWt  ntRefreshLinkWt# CreateFieldW\%Size -TppfldWWWt "CreateIndexW$cppidxWWWt8 GCreatePropertyWWP DDLW%'pprpt0% !^ConflictTableWWWt# g+ReplicaFilterWWW!pFilterWpptdfWWW#pCollatingOrderWW$ YQueryTimeout TransactionsPRecordsAffectedW$3pptdfsWW8ppqdfsWW8hpprlsWWW2*ppctnsWW#pprstsWW YExecuteW%QueryWWWHQ_30_OpenRecordsetWWWD#CreateRelationWW8 ForeignTable^pprelWWWjCreateTableDefWW& eCreateDynasetWWW|" >CInconsistentzNCreateQueryDefWWtdSQLTextWڍppqdfWWW˵CreateSnapshotWW4(DeleteQueryDefWW4$ اExecuteSQLWWh&"SQLW4 4ListFieldsWW -ListTablesWW KOpenQueryDef !OpenTableWWW& ReplicaIDWWW#IDesignMasterIDWW$ SynchronizeWH DbPathNameWW  bExchangeType ' MakeReplicaW'PathName NewPasswordWL!bstrOldWT'bstrNewWx&LockEdit(ppCnCPopulatePartialWh# &ODBCTimeoutW^piWWh ReturnsRecordsWW<&)ppprmsWWhh&G_30__OpenRecordsetWWh_CopyWWWh CompareW0#pQdefWWW(lpsWh!ListParametersWWh4 9_OpenRecordsetWWhDCancelWWh`hStmtWWWp)phStmtWWh ȲMaxRecordsWWh"ǚpMxRecsWhPStillExecutingWW) %pStillExecWWh UCacheSizeWWWl 9lCacheSizeWWh,ЉPrepareWh'ppqdefWWyBOFWCBookmark'ppsachWWd% #Bookmarkable(EOFW();FilterWWD 5LastModified+=ppsaT LockEditsWWW"/3NoMatchW<"Sortt VRestartableW* GCacheStartWWP OPercentPositionW^pdWW#~AbsolutePosition$" XEditMode0,ODBCFetchCountWW ODBCFetchDelayWW*ParentWWh-,pdbW*-_30_CancelUpdateaAddNewWWl#+Edit M=FindFirstWWW .7Criteria*zFindLastuFindNext rRFindPrevious. NMoveFirstWWW, ѭ_30_MoveLastL!MoveNext(+ MovePreviousX$Seek. z@ComparisonWWOKey1x,PKey2$/QKey38RKey4.SKey5TKey6%UKey7x-VKey8%WKey9 (^HKey10WWWH_HKey11WWWT`HKey12WWW|.aHKey13WWW' YW_30_UpdateWW.CloneWWW`.RequeryW0 NewQueryDefWl(>yMovep*URows|$ {xStartBookmarkWWW, h>FillCacheWWW- cCopyQueryDef% SListIndexesW,ßGetRowsWx/NumRowsWCollectW/ TNextRecordsetWWWD$ BatchSizeWWW0rBatchCollisionCountW0OBatchCollisionsW- RecordStatus/ R|UpdateOptionsWWW 5CancelUpdate& UpdateTypeWW2UpdateWW`!(ForceWWWMoveLast\h$ 0SourceFieldW\( vSourceTableW\$9OrdinalPositionW\" sValidateOnSetWWW\` *DefaultValue\Required\@) AllowZeroLengthW\' :DataUpdatableWWW\" N|ForeignNameW\, AppendChunkWValW\H,GetChunk1OffsetWW<.BytesWWW\\2 R_30_FieldSizeWWW\+qCollectionIndexWH0`iWWW\- OriginalValueWWW\! ;vVisibleValue\,3 "FieldSizeWWW,2jForeignW1 UniqueWW+ H~ClusteredWWW3 ҕIgnoreNullsW}PrimaryW |!DistinctCountWWWD4^pvWW\0 &DirectionWWW3]pOptionW)ppprmWWW8.̓PartialReplicaWW)pfPartialReplica pvald# 1GInheritedWWWP(e)pppropWW,'%OwnerWWW,4 PermissionsW,/InheritW4ppdocsWW,85PAllPermissionsWW1TEppctnWWW,IppdocWWW20_hDbc\*phDbcWWW3opSecondsX#=pRecords,Microsoft DAO 2.5/3.51 Compatibility LibraryWW dao35.hlpWDAO predefined constants.W"The Microsoft Jet database engine.DAO 3.0 DBEngine (private)=Information about any errors that occurred with a DAO object.WCollection of Error objects.WWA session for a user.W Collection of Workspace objects.WWA saved table definition.WCollection of TableDef objects.WWWAn open database.WCollection of Database objects.WWWA saved query definition.WCollection of QueryDef objects.WWWPA representation of the records in a base table or the records that result from WW Collection of Recordset objects.WWMA column that is part of a TableDef, QueryDef, Index, Relation, or Recordset.WCollection of Field objects.WWLThe Index object orders values and provides efficient access to a Recordset.WWCollection of Index objects.WW"A parameter for a parameter query. Collection of Parameter objects.WWA user account.WWWCollection of User objects.WWWA group of user accounts.WCollection of Group objects.WW4A relationship between fields in tables and queries.WWCollection of Relation objects.WWW$A built-in or user-defined property.WWCollection of Property objects.WWW7Storage for information about a predefined object type.WWW Collection of Container objects.WW-Information about a saved, predefined object.WCollection of Document objects.WWWAn open ODBCDirect connection. Collection of Connection objectsWW9(obsolete) Snapshot object - Use Recordset object insteadW6(obsolete) Table Object - Use Recordset object instead8(obsolete) Dynaset object - Use Recordset object insteadWW9Type property (Recordset, type argument of OpenRecordset)W+Type (RecordSet, argument of OpenRecordset)WWWEditMode (Recordset)WW Options argument (OpenRecordset)WW)Options argument (OpenRecordset, Execute)WOptions argument (Execute)"LockEdits argument (OpenRecordset)UpdateOptions (Recordset)WAttributes (Field on TableDef)Attributes (Field on Index)WWW!Type (Field, Parameter, Property)WAttributes (Relation)WAttributes (TableDef)WType (QueryDef)WWWType (Querydef)WWWPrepare (QueryDef)2Options argument (CreateDatabase, CompactDatabase) CollatingOrder (Database, Field)WWIdle (DBEngine)WWWOptions argument (Idle)WWW!Permissions (Container, Document)WExchange argument (Synchronize)WWWOptions argument (MakeReplica)/Type (DBEngine, type argument of OpenWorkspace)WWW.Type (Workspace, OpenConnection, OpenDatabase)DefaultCursorDriver (Workspace)WWW/Options argument (OpenConnection, OpenDatabase)WWWParameter argument (SetOption)Direction (Parameter)W$Type argument (Update, CancelUpdate)WWType argument (Update)RecordStatus (Recordset)WWOptions argument (CommitTrans)DIndicates whether to log messages returned from a pass-through queryWW9Indicates whether an object will be included in a replicaW6Indicates whether an object can be replicated (String)7Indicates whether an object can be replicated (Boolean)WWWDDetermines how to store Nulls from a Jet Version 1.x databasewill beWW1Locale argument (CreateDatabase, CompactDatabase)W0Returns the number of objects in the collection.WW1Updates the collection to reflect recent changes.W$Appends an object to the collection.WW$Deletes an object from a collection.WW+Returns the version of the database engine.WWWOSets or returns Windows Registry path containing Microsoft Jet engine settings.WWW?Sets the user name used to create the default Workspace object.WWW>Sets the password used to create the default Workspace object.PSets or returns the number of seconds allowed when logging on to an ODBC databasWW%Collection of open Workspace objects.WACollection of errors from the most recently failed DAO operation.W4Completes pending engine tasks such as lock removal.WWCompacts a closed database.WWWRepairs a corrupted database.W6Enters connection information for an ODBC data source.Opens a specified database.WWW,Creates a new Microsoft Jet database (.mdb).WWBegins a new transaction.W+Ends the transaction and saves the changes.WWW1Rolls back any changes since the last BeginTrans.W0Sets or returns the path to the system database.WWCreates a new Workspace object.WWW Opens a connection to a databaseWWSets the default Workspace typeWWWOverrides Jet registry settingsWWW,Returns a numeric value specifying an error.WW>Returns the name of the object class that generated the error.$Returns a text description of error.WWReturns a path for a Help file.WWW0Returns a context ID for a topic in a Help file.WW Returns the name of this object.WW Sets or returns a user or group.WWNSets or returns a value indicating whether multiple transactions are isolated.$Collection of open Database objects.WW;Collection of User objects for a Workspace or Group object.WWW:Collection of Group objects in a Workspace or User object.Closes an open DAO object.Creates a new User object.Creates a new Group object.WWW<Number of seconds allowed for logging in to an ODBC databaseWWSelects the ODBC cursor libraryWWW!Collection of Connection objects.W@Sets or returns a value indicating characteristics of an object.WWPSets or returns a value providing information about a data source for a TableDefWW5Returns the date and time when the table was created.WAReturns the date and time of the most recent change to an object.WCSets or returns the name of a linked table's original source table.WWW;Returns whether the definition of the table can be changed.WWWLSets or returns a value indicating a message if an entered value is invalid.WWGSets or returns a value indicating whether a field contains valid data.WWW/Returns the number of records in the Recordset.WWW1Collection of Field objects in a TableDef object.W>Collection of Index objects associated with a TableDef object.Creates a new Recordset object.WWW6Updates the connection information for a linked table.Creates a new Field object.WWWCreates a new Index object.WWW+Creates a new user-defined Property object.WWWPReturns the table name that contains conflicts that occurred during synchronizatWW7Indicates which records to include in a partial replicaWWW3Returns the sort order for sorting and comparisons.WWWBSets or returns a value providing information about a data source.PSets or returns the number of seconds before a timeout occurs when executing a qWW7Indicates whether the DAO object supports transactions.WWW-Returns whether the database can be modified.W$Returns the version of the database.WWBReturns the number of records affected by the last Execute method.4Collection of TableDef objects in a Database object.WW4Collection of QueryDef objects in a Database object.WW4Collection of Relation objects in a Database object.WW=Collection of Container objects defined in a Database object.W:Collection of Recordset objects open in a Database object.Executes a query.WCreates a new Relation object.Creates a new TableDef object.3(Obsolete) End the transaction and save the changesWWW5(Obsolete) Undo any changes since the last BeginTransW#(Obsolete) Creates a Dynaset objectWWWCreates a new QueryDef object.7(Obsolete) Creates a snapshot from the specified sourceWWW8(Obsolete) Deletes the QueryDef object from the databaseWW#(Obsolete) Execute an SQL statementWWW<(Obsolete) Creates a snapshot with one record for each fieldWW;(Obsolete) Creates a snapshot of Table and QueryDef objectsWWW.(Obsolete) Opens a querydef object for editing!(Obsolete) Creates a table objectW*Returns a unique identifier for a replica.0Returns a unique identifier for a Design Master.WWSynchronizes two replicas.1Makes a new replica based on the current replica.W-Changes the password of an existing database.WAn open ODBCDirect connectionWSynchronizes a partial replica8Returns the date and time when the Querydef was created.WWPSets or returns the number of seconds before a timeout occurs on an ODBC databasWW,Sets or returns the data type of an object.WW9Sets or returns the SQL statement that defines the query.W4Returns whether the query definition can be changed.WWPSets or returns a value providing information about a data source for a QueryDefWWOSets or returns a value indicating whether an SQL pass-through returns records.WWW1Collection of Field objects in a QueryDef object.W@Collection of Parameter objects available for a QueryDef object.WWExecutes an action query.W0(Obsolete) Lists the parameters for the querydefWW:Cancels execution of an asynchronous OpenRecordset method.>Indicates the maximum number of records to return from a query@Indicates whether an asynchronous method call is still executingWWPSets or returns the number of records to be locally cached from an ODBC data souWWHIndicates whether to prepare a temporary stored procedure from the queryWWIIndicates whether the current record position is before the first record.W7Uniquely identifies a particular record in a Recordset.WWW1Indicates whether a Recordset supports bookmarks.WEReturns the date and time when the underlying base table was created.WKIndicates whether the the current record position is after the last record.WWWDSets or returns a value indicating a filter to apply to a Recordset.WWPSets or returns the name of the current Index object (table-type Recordset only)WWHReturns a bookmark indicating the most recently added or changed record.WW5Returns the type of locking in effect during editing.WCIndicates whether a record was found with the Seek or Find methods.WWW:Sets or returns the sort order for records in a Recordset.=Indicates whether the Recordset object supports transactions.W#Returns the data type of an object.WWW6Returns the number of records accessed in a Recordset.8Returns whether records in the Recordset can be updated.WWAIndicates whether a Recordset object supports the Requery method.WPSets or returns the bookmark of the first record to be cached from an ODBC data WW?Sets or returns the approximate location of the current record.WWWASets or returns the relative record number of the current record.W4Returns the state of editing for the current record.WW2Collection of Field objects in a Recordset object.&Creates a new record in the Recordset."Deletes a record from a Recordset.*Prepares a row of a Recordset for editing.5Locates the first record that satisfies the criteria.W4Locates the last record that satisfies the criteria.WW4Locates the next record that satisfies the criteria.WW8Locates the previous record that satisfies the criteria.WW+Moves to the first record in the Recordset.WWW*Moves to the next record in the Recordset..Moves to the previous record in the Recordset.+Locates a record in a table-type Recordset.WWWCreates a duplicate Recordset.0Re-executes the query the Recordset is based on.WW8Moves the position of the current record in a Recordset.WW.Fills the cache for an ODBC-derived Recordset.:Returns a copy of the QueryDef that created the Recordset.8Retrieves multiple records of a Recordset into an array.WWPCancels execution of an asynchronous Execute, OpenRecordset, or OpenConnection mWW1Fetches next recordset in a mutli-query RecordsetW1Determines how many updates to include in a batchW?Indicates how many rows had collisions in the last batch updateWWW<Indicates which rows had collisions in the last batch updateWW-Indicates which Connection owns the RecordsetW8Indicating the batch-update status of the current recordWW8Determines how a batch update query will be constructed.WW&Cancels any pending Update statements.3Saves changes made with the Edit or AddNew methods.WWW*Moves to the last record in the Recordset.8Specifies the language used for sorting and comparisons.WW,Sets or returns the data type of the object.WW,Sets or returns the maximum size of a field.WWCReturns the name of the original source of data for a Field object.WWW.Returns the name of the original source table.'Sets or returns the value of an object.WWWKSets or returns a value indicating the relative position of a Field object.WWWLSets or returns a value indicating whether a value is validated immediately.WW4Sets or returns the default value of a Field object.WWOSets or returns a value indicating whether an object requires a non-Null value.WWWPSets or returns a value indicating whether a zero-length string is valid for thiWW5Indicates whether the data in the field is updatable.W?Sets or returns a value indicating the name of a foreign field.WWW&Appends Long Binary data into a field.Reads binary data from a field.WWWNReturns the value stored in the database server at the start of a batch update9Returns the value currently stored in the database serverW2Indicates the size of a Memo or Long Binary field.9Returns whether an Index object represents a foreign key.W2Returns whether an Index object is a unique index.HSets or returns a value indicating whether an Index object is clustered.WWOSets or returns a value indicating whether Null values are stored in the index.WWWNSets or returns a value indicating whether an Index object is a primary index.7Returns the number of unique values in an Index object.WWW/Collection of Field objects in an Index object.WWWFIndicates whether a Parameter is for input, output, or returned values?Sets the personal identifier (PID) for a group or user account.WWW%Sets the password for a user account.W1Changes the password of an existing user account.W,Sets or returns the name of a primary table.WW,Sets or returns the name of a foreign table.WW1Collection of Field objects in a Relation object.WMIndicates whether a relation provides a partial replica's synchronizing rulesWBReturns whether a property is inherited from an underlying object.;Sets or returns a value indicating the owner of the object.WWWHSets or returns the permissions for a user or group accessing an object.WWPReturns whether new Document objects inherit a default permissions property settWW=Collection of Document objects for a specific type of object.W@Returns all the permissions that apply to the current user name.WW;Sets or returns a value specifying the owner of the object.WWWIReturns the name of the Container object this Document object belongs to.W8Returns the date and time when the Document was created.WWThe name of this objectWWW?Information saved from the Connect argument of the OpenDatabaseWWW6Returns a Database reference to this Connection objectDNumber of seconds before timeout occurs when executing an ODBC queryWW5Number of records affected by the last Execute methodW:Indicates whether the connection allows data to be updated0Collection of QueryDef objects for this databaseWW7Collection of recordset objects open in this connectionWWWECancels execution of an asynchronous Execute or OpenRecordset method.W6Close the Connection object and everything it containsCreates a new QueryDef objectWExecute an SQL statementWWCreates a new Recordset object@ @ @08H HP `hx@ Dp(0 @H @  @ $hpPd<(0@HX`px0| `@X, 08WW@WW WWWW ;LANGID=0x0401;CP=1256;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x0405;CP=1250;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x0413;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x0409;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x0408;CP=1253;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x040D;CP=1255;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x040E;CP=1250;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x040F;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x041D;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x0414;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x0415;CP=1250;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x0419;CP=1251;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x040A;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0WW ;LANGID=0x040B;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0WW 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